7 Ways to Kiss the Stress of Finals Goodbye

It’s been an emotionally draining week for me, and with finals coming up for quarter system schools; it’s easy to fall into a pit of “will it ever end?!”

This is a reminder to myself, and to you, to keep pushing through what may feel like a rough patch. A note: “nothing will ruin your 20’s more than thinking you should have your life together already.”

  1. Focus on what is important to you. Maybe it’s an upcoming race you have calendared in. Or your grueling math final. Or  your best friend who is going through a rough time. Whatever is important to you; focus on it. You’ll feel a lot better focusing on anything that will help take your mind off any stress.
  2. Take a deep breath (or ten.) Take a few calm, uninterrupted breaths in and out and test out meditation. Just 5 minutes can refresh your mind, and add in that extra boost.
  3. Read a new book or watch a new TV show. Uh, wait. During finals week?! Yes, especially during finals week. Take a quick 30-60 minute break in between studying to focus on something completely outside of school work. I’ve been watching Girls and reading Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler.
  4. Write in a journal. With an actual pen. Write it out. Write everything. Write what you love about how you’re feeling at this moment, and what you hate about it. Write about where you want to go, and what you want to do. The ease of your pen gliding on a page is therapeutic on it’s own. Don’t think. Just write.
  5. Go on a social media cleanse. It’s not easy, but the experience is worth it. We are often so attached to our devices that we fail to realize how refreshing real life experiences can be. Confession: I tried it out this week and only lasted a total of 40 hours. See how long you can go. Bonus: It keeps away studying distractions.
  6. Eat chocolate chip ice cream.  An instant reliever and one thing that doesn’t need any explanation.
  7. Plan out a YOLO trip. It can be refreshing to have something to look forward to. You’ll be more motivated to focus on getting through tests and research papers if there is an adventurous reward at the end of it.

Hang in there this week and remember that you can and will get through it! Anything worth fighting for and stressing over is definitely worth it.

Still stressed out? This is for you:

Coming soon to Fitness4U: Arm Toning Workout Guide, March Fitness Favorites

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